Posted in Simple Pleasures of Life

Simple Pleasures of Life Summary

So my 30 day challenge has finished and I think it was rather successful! I believe it has reminded me of the small things that keep me happy. It’s also a good “slice of Jin’s life” from 2013.

Here’s a list of all 30 (click for a detailed explanation of each one)!

  1. Successfully flipping a pancake.
  2. Listening to George Michael’s “Faith” before starting a day at the hospital (singalong/dance optional).
  3. Seeing a mother hold her newborn baby for the first time.
  4. Hugging someone, or a pet, or a pillow. Maybe even falling asleep like that.
  5. Having some experimental fun in the kitchen.
  6. Re-reading comics you loved as a child, loving and appreciating them even more now. 
  7. Cracking open a cold beer after a looong day.
  8. Good Scotch and a good movie.
  9. Taking your socks off after a long and tiring day.
  10. Watching new episodes of your favourite shows and laughing so hard that all your worries and troubles melt away.
  11. Sleep.
  12. Air banding like crazy in your room because no one is watching.
  13. Cooking without a recipe.
  14. Taking time off to do something fun when you can’t afford to.
  15. Slipping into a warm, cozy bed while a thunderstorm rages outside.
  16. Being in flow state.
  17. Doing groceries.
  18. Surviving a tough rotation and getting good feedback at the end.
  19. Coffee.
  20. Sharing a brainwave with a friend.
  21. Love.
  22. Being proud of and propagating your cultural heritage.
  23. Happy coincidences.
  24. Drowning in a tsunami of nostalgia.
  25. Listening to music by your favourite artists.
  26. Laughing over even the silliest of things.
  27. Treating yo’self.
  28. Walking on sunshine.
  29. Doing absolutely nothing.
  30. Meeting people, hearing their stories, sharing a moment and leaving a positive mark on their lives.

Hope you got something out of it, like a simple pleasure you might not have noticed before, or just a peek into my life.  🙂


Posted in Simple Pleasures of Life

Simple Pleasures of Life #1

Successfully flipping a pancake.

I started a new “tradition” about a month ago where I’d make bacon pancakes every Sunday, then eat it while watching a new episode of Shinseki no Kyojin. With a pot of freshly brewed drip coffee too of course 🙂 Got the idea from Adventure Time which I’ve been addicted to for the past few months hehe. This song will be stuck in your head for a while:

Posted in Simple Pleasures of Life

Simple Pleasures of Life #2

Listening to George Michael’s “Faith” before starting a day at the hospital (singalong/dance optional).

Reference to Scrubs, but totally gets me amped up for the day 🙂

Posted in Simple Pleasures of Life

Simple Pleasures of Life #3

Seeing a mother hold her newborn baby for the first time

Okay so this one isn’t really “simple” to come across, but when you do, it’s one of the most touching moments you’ll see. There’s something in the mum’s (and dad’s) smile that cannot be described by words. Definitely one of the (few) perks of OBGYN run. Man I can’t wait to have kids some day (I’ll regret saying this in the future).

Posted in Simple Pleasures of Life

Simple Pleasures of Life #4

Hugging someone, or a pet, or a pillow. Maybe even falling asleep like that.

I was so tired after hospital yesterday that as soon as I got home I collapsed in bed and just hugged my pillow. It was so damn fluffy and soft and comfortable. Totally fell asleep for 15 min after that… Anyway, hugging releases oxytocin and endorphins and a whole shitload of feel-good hormones, so you should go hug someone. Right now.

Posted in Simple Pleasures of Life

Simple Pleasures of Life #5

Having some experimental fun in the kitchen.

(Doing tomorrow’s tonight instead just because of my kitchen adventure)

Today I had my third go at baking (brownies again lol) because it’s my turn to bake for the team this week for O&G. See, I’ve always treated cooking like a bit of an…artistic science experiment. Baking more so because of the more precise measurements etc. In the process, I managed to:

  • Have 200g of butter explode in the microwave. Literally. The mug completely flipped out inside with a loud clatter and spilled all the butter…EVERYWHERE. Took a freaking hour to clean it all up… Luckily I had just enough butter left.
  • Guess (rightly) which setting to put the oven on. Seriously, those symbols might as well be hieroglyphs.
  • Improperly cool the brownie. I didn’t know I was supposed to take it straight out and put it on a cooling tray. Instead, I left it in the tin to “cool”, leading to the bottom being gooey and the top being cookie-hard OTL 
  • Creatively rebaked the brownie by flipping it over, re-molding the gooey brownie to fill the spaces left on the “bottom” (now top) of the brownie, then sticking in the oven with top heat.
  • Ultimately make a pretty tasty Oreo brownie! Not nearly as good as the one I made last time but this’ll do…

Anyway, baking is fun lol. But I think I’ll stick with cooking for now… And pancakes.

(Basically what would happen if I tried baking it)

Posted in Simple Pleasures of Life

Simple Pleasures of Life #6

Re-reading comics you loved as a child, loving and appreciating them even more now. 

So I recently acquired The Complete Calvin and Hobbes set!!! It’s made of three beautiful hardcover books that contain ALL the Calvin and Hobbes strips that have been drawn~ 😀 Extremely ecstatic at the moment because Calvin and Hobbes is one of my favourite comics ever (seconded only by Peanuts) hehe. It has content ranging from hilariously innocent to deeply philosophical and thought-provoking. There’s so much stuff that I wouldn’t have gotten or appreciated as a kid, but make for very good life advice now that I’m more grown up. Here’s an example:


(click for bigger image)

I’m gonna marathon the whole thing from start to finish, hopefully not taking up too much study time haha. But a few pages in between study sessions won’t be harmful 🙂

Pure bliss~


Posted in Simple Pleasures of Life

Simple Pleasures of Life #7

Cracking open a cold beer after a looong day.

We had weekend shifts today (and tomorrow) so I had to be at hospital from 8am to 6pm. It was…absolutely horrible. I mean luckily I saw one birth in the morning, but after that, NOTHING happened so the other student and I sat in the tea room for 6 hours twiddling on our thumbs. Well we actually got a bit of work done by quizzing each other prepping for exams lol. But still, the sitting around in boredom was pure psychological torture

When I got home, I opened the fridge, grabbed a beer, took a swig and BAM the day improved 😀 Gotta love beer~ Also made cupcakes for the first time hehe. Well, using a pre-prepared mix, so kinda cheating. Meh it tastes good XD

It also looks angry:

Posted in Simple Pleasures of Life

Simple Pleasures of Life #8

Good Scotch and a good movie.

Finally finished weekend shifts. My god, two 8am~8:30pm back to back is inhumane >< But wait, there’s more!!! I have 7am~7pm delivery unit shift tomorrow, then 7:30am ward round on Tuesday where we get ripped to shreds. Fuck yes. On top of the piling notes that I’m failing to study due to crazy amounts of O&G. The only thing that makes it all better? Good Scotch and a good movie.

Just finished watching Now You See Me and I definitely loved it! 😀 I’ve always been a fan of magic and this movie explored the field relatively creatively. I particularly liked the magician fight scene hehe. And tbh I didn’t fully work out the twist so that was a pleasant surprise. Welp, time for me to get 5.5 hours of sleep before I have to go in to sit around and do nothing. Thank god for the simple pleasures of life that keep me going.

Posted in Simple Pleasures of Life

Simple Pleasures of Life #9

Taking your socks off after a long and tiring day.

Seriously, one of the most liberating feelings in the world~~~ 
