Cracking open a cold beer after a looong day.
We had weekend shifts today (and tomorrow) so I had to be at hospital from 8am to 6pm. It was…absolutely horrible. I mean luckily I saw one birth in the morning, but after that, NOTHING happened so the other student and I sat in the tea room for 6 hours twiddling on our thumbs. Well we actually got a bit of work done by quizzing each other prepping for exams lol. But still, the sitting around in boredom was pure psychological torture…
When I got home, I opened the fridge, grabbed a beer, took a swig and BAM the day improved Gotta love beer~ Also made cupcakes for the first time hehe. Well, using a pre-prepared mix, so kinda cheating. Meh it tastes good XD
It also looks angry: