Posted in Life & Happiness

The Art Of Doing Nothing

Our brain thrives on stimulation. We constantly look for distractions, pushing ourselves to always be doing something productive or active. With modern technology such as computers and mobile phones, we have even more ways to use our free time to learn, work and communicate with others (not to mention procrastinating).

However, important as it may be to stay productive and to take action, we seem to have forgotten how to do nothing. There is rarely a moment nowadays when we are truly doing nothing. On our commute to work, we catch up on social media or listen to podcasts. In between tasks, we upload photos or send messages to friends to stay connected. When we have finished our work and chores for the day, we will “unwind” with a show or movie. Even on the toilet, we use our phones to constantly engage our mind.

As much as our mind loves to be stimulated, it also needs rest to process the abundance of information it absorbs during the day. Otherwise, stress starts to pile up from the rushed pace of life and it manifests as crankiness and fatigue. We don’t feel truly rested because when we are supposed to rest, we continue to overwork our mind. What we need is to take five, space out and daydream.

Daydreaming is considered by society as a negative thing. When kids daydream in class, they are told off to focus and do their work. When adults daydream in their own time, others criticise them for being “lazy” and “dull”. It is the direct opposite of what society sees as productivity, where something is created through work and action.

But there is much evidence to suggest that daydreaming has real benefits to your physical and mental health. When you are daydreaming, your body lets its guard down, slowing your brainwaves, heart rate and breathing. Your brain uses that time to consolidate learning, solve complex problems and take inventory of your thoughts and feelings.

Because you have detached yourself from surrounding sensory stimuli, the brain has space to explore the inner workings of your mind, such as your creative side, and coming up with original thoughts. This moment of pause lets your body and mind refresh, allowing it to work more efficiently in processing the past, being mindful of the present and planning for the future.

So unless you absolutely have to be somewhere doing something important right now, take five minutes, put your phone or computer away, look out the window and space out for a bit, letting your mind wander to wherever it pleases. Don’t let anything or anyone distract you and don’t care about what others will think of you.

Lay your weary head to rest and refresh yourself. You deserve a break.

Posted in Simple Pleasures of Life

Simple Pleasures of Life #29

Doing absolutely nothing.

I kinda mentioned this in a previous post, but that was more in the context of taking a break. Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE doing stuff. Especially right now where all I can think of is all the stuff I’m waiting to do as soon as exams are over. But there’s a real simple joy in doing absolutely nothing. Just…sitting there, you know?

Of course I don’t mean literally nothing where you switch off your brain. That’s what you do when you watch TV (which I heartily endorse). But I mean putting down the book you’re reading or pausing that video, sitting back and getting lost in your thoughts. Maybe you’ll ponder the deep philosophies of what it means to be alive, or create an imaginary world you can adventure in.

If you don’t feel like exploring the inner workings of your mind, then get lost in your surroundings. Have you ever really taken into account what you see, hear, smell, taste and touch? Bernard Werber talked about a relaxation technique called “Opening your senses” in his books, which involves you systematically saying out loud everything you experience in the moment with each sense. For example, close your eyes and say everything you hear, to the smallest detail. Then do the same with all your other senses, you’ll notice that you’ve been missing out a lot of things in this world.

Sherlock Holmes stated that there is a great difference between seeing and observing. Try this out sometime. Have a cup of coffee at a cafe by yourself and look around you. You might see a boy and a girl making idle chit chat, but you might observe the two showing various subtle body language signs of mutual attraction. See if you can figure out a person’s job or personality or health condition just from observation. People-watching can be very fun, as long as you’re not being…you know, creepy.

So go on, drop what you’re doing, go lie in a patch of grass or sit at a cafe or wherever and just do nothing.


Posted in Science & Nature

Cryptography: Vigenere Cipher

It has thus been proven that the Caesar cipher, the pigpen cipher and any substitution cipher can be simply broken using frequency analysis. The basis for this is that each letter or symbol can only represent a single letter, meaning that letter frequencies (e, t, a, o…) are directly translated onto the cipher language. Ergo, by making each letter represent more than one letter, the letter frequencies can be masked and an additional level of security can be added to the cipher. This is called polyalphabetic substitution and it is the basis for a type of cipher known as the Vigenère cipher.

The cipher was first conceived in 1553 by Giovan Battista Bellaso and has been improved since. It is famous for being rather simple to use despite the difficult to decipher it at a beginner’s level. This trait earned the cipher the nickname “le chiffre indéchiffrable”, which is French for “the indecipherable cipher”.

The Vigenère cipher can be thought of a stack of Caesar ciphers (essentially a cipher within a cipher), where each letter is shifted by a variable key (in a normal Caesar shift, every letter is shifted by the same key). This is achieved by the implementation of a keyword and a table called a tabula recta. A tabula recta is simply a grid made from 26 rows of the alphabet, each row of which is made by shifting the previous one to the left. This table essentially shows all the possible outcomes of a Caesar shift.

Now, let us try encoding a message using the Vigenère cipher. The message “attack at dawn” is encoded using the keyword “nothing”. Ideally, there should be no repeating letters in the keyword for the sake of security. Therefore, if there are any repeating letters, just remove the repeated letters (e.g. “crocodile” -> “crodile”). First, repeat the keyword until it matches the number of letters of the message (e.g. “attackatdawn” is aligned with “nothingnothi”). Then, use the tabula recta to encrypt the message. The rule of thumb is “key-row, message-column”, meaning that the row of the tabula recta starting with the letter of the key is matched against the column starting with the respective letter of the message. To take the first letter as an example, the key letter is “n” and the message letter is “a”. The letter corresponding to where the “n” row and “a” column meets is “N”. If this rule is followed for each letter, the encrypted message becomes: “NHMHKXGGRTDV”. Although it takes some effort to find each letter on the table, the message becomes “indecipherable” to a beginner cryptanalyst as frequency analysis becomes useless. For example, the repeating letter “H” can represent either “t” or “a”. The longer the keyword is, the more secure the Vigenère cipher becomes.

However, the Vigenère cipher is not indecipherable. Next, we will look at a cryptanalysis method called the Kasiski examination that attacks a polyalphabetic cipher such as the Vigenère cipher to gain access to the keyword.

Posted in Philosophy

Town Musicians Of Bremen

Once upon a time, a donkey who had worked hard for his master all his life on a farm was about to be sold off simply because he was old. The donkey fled to Bremen where he hoped to be a travelling musician. On his way to Bremen, he met a cat, a dog and a rooster who were all placed in a similar predicament. The four animals decide to form a band of animal musicians. While travelling together, they came across a house full of delicious food and a warm fire. 

However, they soon found out the house was inhabited by robbers. The animals decided they should somehow chase away the robbers and ultimately came up with the plan of the rooster jumping on the cat’s back, who was on the dog’s back who was on the donkey’s back. The quartet began singing at the top of their voice. The robbers were startled by the strange sound and terrifying figure and ran for their lives, thinking the house was haunted. The musicians then feast on the food and spend a warm night in the house.

Later that night, the robbers returned and sent one of their members to scout the house. In the dimly lit room, he sees the cat’s eyes but believes it to be candlelight. At that moment, the cat scratched his face, the dog bit his leg, the donkey kicked the robber and the rooster chased him out the door. The robber then told his companions about how he was scratched by the long nails of a witch (cat), stabbed by an ogre’s blade (dog), hit by the club of a giant (donkey) and worst of all, chased away by the shrieks of a dragon (rooster). The robbers gave up on the house and the animals spent the rest of their lives in that house happily ever after.

The moral of this story is that even after being thrown away, if you stay optimistic and work through the troubles you can still live a happy life. A similar lesson is found in a quote by General Douglas MacArthur: “Old soldiers never die. They just fade away.”. If you have passion, dreams and a friend who has the same mindset, nothing is impossible.


Posted in Philosophy


Solve the following riddle:

It is greater than a god and more evil than a devil.
The poor have it while the rich lack it.
If you eat it, you will die.

To find the answer, you must look within yourself and travel against the flow of time.

Continue reading “Untitled”

Posted in History & Literature


When you close your eyes, what do you see? When you look into the night sky, what do you see? Most people describe darkness as pitch black, but this is not quite true.
The colour that we see in perfect darkness is not black, but more of a dark grey colour. This colour has a special term called eigengrau, which is German for “intrinsic grey”. Similarly, when you look into the night sky the actual colour is a deep navy.

The reason for this is that the brain uses relative contrast to determine true black rather than the absolute brightness. So when you see darkness, the optic nerve still fires off some signals that the brain interprets as eigengrau. When you see a black object, the brain compares it to the surrounding to cancel this effect out to see true black.

The night sky is lit with stars and the moon, giving it a darker colour than eigengrau due to contrast, while retaining the blue hue produced by the dust diffracting light in a particular manner. Because of this, ninjas actually wore dark navy clothes instead of the black that we associate with them in the present.

An interesting point regarding darkness is that people often see it as a symbol of the negative side (e.g. The Dark Side). However, darkness is technically the opposite of light. It is in fact defined by the absence of light, which in other words suggests it is the default state.

The default state of the universe is nothing.

Posted in Life & Happiness


Contemporary artists say to the public: “Art should make people think and feel some kind of emotion. Therefore, we make provocative art to invoke the negative emotions too.
To them, I say: “Life is ugly enough to give you those emotions every day – what’s wrong with just looking at paintings that bring out some positive emotions?”

Parents say to their children: “Why can’t you get good grades like others? Why don’t you listen? Why can’t you do anything right?
To them, I say: “We will all be insulted plenty throughout life, do you have to criticise us even more? Can’t you give us even a few words of encouragement, something society will never give?”

Religious people say to atheists: “How can you understand true happiness without God, faith or the belief that there is heaven after death?
To them, I say: “Knowing that I will return to nothing after a short but content life rather than going to hell for even the smallest thing simply makes me ecstatic.”

Pessimists say to optimists: “What’s so great about life? Unless you are a fool, there is nothing worth being happy about.
To them, I say: “And that is why I try to think more happy thoughts and be nice to others. Otherwise I would never make it through this rotten world. People all have enough going on in their lives – why bother making it more difficult when you can make it a little better at no added cost? The time we have is short, so what’s the point of only thinking negative, depressing thoughts? I would rather laugh like a fool, admire the little beauty left in the world and make other people’s lives a little happier before I go.”

Everything in the world depends on your perception, so why not think positively and live happily? No matter what, we can only live a certain time, no more, no less. The key to happiness is to enjoy appropriately, learn as much as possible and to love infinitely.

Posted in Psychology & Medicine


It is human nature to want to know more about another person. However, ironically most people know less about themselves than they know others. The following is a simple psychological test that tells you about your true self.

Complete as many sentences as freely as you can, writing down whatever comes to your head. You have 5 minutes: (e.g. I am a male, I attend university)

  1. I _____________________
  2. I _____________________
  3. I _____________________
  4. I _____________________
  5. I _____________________
  6. I _____________________
  7. I _____________________
  8. I _____________________
  9. I _____________________
  10. I _____________________
  11. I _____________________
  12. I _____________________
  13. I _____________________
  14. I _____________________
  15. I _____________________
  16. I _____________________
  17. I _____________________
  18. I _____________________
  19. I _____________________
  20. I _____________________

This test is very useful as it is simple yet accurately portrays the subconscious mind and inner self. It is especially used in adult psychiatry consultations as answers become more subjective and creative as the subject’s age increases.
According to a study, from about number 10 the answers show the person’s wants and potential, and from 15 onwards subconscious desires and concerns. Ergo, answers become more accurate in their depiction of the true self as you fill in the lines.

The responses are sorted into six main categories:

  1. Social status (I am an employee of…)
  2. Faith (I am sure that justice will always win in the end)
  3. Desire (I want to be rich)
  4. Likes (I like watermelons)
  5. Judgement (I am stubborn)
  6. Blank (nothing written)

Interestingly, nothing shows more than you expect. For example, those who do not finish all twenty lines tend to be authoritative. This is because they show a tendency of seeing the world as black or white, or good or evil and cannot stand fuzzy, “grey” statements. Therefore, their view of their self tend to be simplistic, making their answers less detailed.

Now, let us explore the world of the inner self and the subconscious mind. For a more objective analysis of yourself, ask someone else to scrutinise your answers.

Posted in Life & Happiness

Feynman Problem Solving Algorithm

Richard Feynman is a world-renowned genius physicist, famous for his ability of solving some of the most difficult problems in physics. He said that his intelligence was all thanks to his unique yet “normal” problem solving method, which he used to solve most of his problems. Here is the algorithm:

    1.  Write down the problem.
    2.  Think very deeply.
    3.  Write down the answer.

If that does not yield the answer:

    4.  Sleep.
    5.  Wake up, then think deeply again.
    6.  Write down the answer.

Nothing is impossible.