Posted in History & Literature


When you close your eyes, what do you see? When you look into the night sky, what do you see? Most people describe darkness as pitch black, but this is not quite true.
The colour that we see in perfect darkness is not black, but more of a dark grey colour. This colour has a special term called eigengrau, which is German for “intrinsic grey”. Similarly, when you look into the night sky the actual colour is a deep navy.

The reason for this is that the brain uses relative contrast to determine true black rather than the absolute brightness. So when you see darkness, the optic nerve still fires off some signals that the brain interprets as eigengrau. When you see a black object, the brain compares it to the surrounding to cancel this effect out to see true black.

The night sky is lit with stars and the moon, giving it a darker colour than eigengrau due to contrast, while retaining the blue hue produced by the dust diffracting light in a particular manner. Because of this, ninjas actually wore dark navy clothes instead of the black that we associate with them in the present.

An interesting point regarding darkness is that people often see it as a symbol of the negative side (e.g. The Dark Side). However, darkness is technically the opposite of light. It is in fact defined by the absence of light, which in other words suggests it is the default state.

The default state of the universe is nothing.

Posted in Psychology & Medicine

Beer Goggles

There’s only one thing other than love that can make a person oversee another’s weaknesses and amplify their strengths – alcohol. The term beer goggles refers to this phenomenon, where a member of the opposite sex appears more attractive due to the influence of alcohol. This is because alcohol inhibits the cerebral cortex where higher order thinking occurs, reducing sexual inhibition and allowing primitive behaviour to surface.
Beer goggles can be utilised to increase the chances of succeeding in courtship if one knows how to manipulate it.

There is even an equation to calculate the strength of beer goggles, produced from actual scientific research and experiments. The equation is:

An = number of units of alcohol consumed
S = smokiness of the room (graded from 0-10, where 0 clear air; 10 extremely smoky)
L = luminance of ‘person of interest’ (candelas per square metre; typically 1 pitch black; 150 as seen in normal room lighting)
Vo = Snellen visual acuity (6/6 normal; 6/12 just meets driving standard)
d = distance from ‘person of interest’ (metres; 0.5 to 3 metres)

Ergo, the more you drink, the further you are from them, the smokier and darker it is and the worse your eyesight, the beer goggle index (ß) rises and the subject becomes more attractive, thus increasing the probability that you will approach that person.

Posted in Life & Happiness


This scenario psychoanalyses how you prioritise your life and what you place the most importance in.

You are out camping, but end up lost in the woods. It has become dark but luckily you find an empty cabin. Under the dim light, you discover the cabin is equipped with a fireplace, a stove, a lamp and a candlestick. In your backpack you only have one match.

What would you light first?


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