So my 30 day challenge has finished and I think it was rather successful! I believe it has reminded me of the small things that keep me happy. It’s also a good “slice of Jin’s life” from 2013.
Here’s a list of all 30 (click for a detailed explanation of each one)!
- Successfully flipping a pancake.
- Listening to George Michael’s “Faith” before starting a day at the hospital (singalong/dance optional).
- Seeing a mother hold her newborn baby for the first time.
- Hugging someone, or a pet, or a pillow. Maybe even falling asleep like that.
- Having some experimental fun in the kitchen.
- Re-reading comics you loved as a child, loving and appreciating them even more now.
- Cracking open a cold beer after a looong day.
- Good Scotch and a good movie.
- Taking your socks off after a long and tiring day.
- Watching new episodes of your favourite shows and laughing so hard that all your worries and troubles melt away.
- Sleep.
- Air banding like crazy in your room because no one is watching.
- Cooking without a recipe.
- Taking time off to do something fun when you can’t afford to.
- Slipping into a warm, cozy bed while a thunderstorm rages outside.
- Being in flow state.
- Doing groceries.
- Surviving a tough rotation and getting good feedback at the end.
- Coffee.
- Sharing a brainwave with a friend.
- Love.
- Being proud of and propagating your cultural heritage.
- Happy coincidences.
- Drowning in a tsunami of nostalgia.
- Listening to music by your favourite artists.
- Laughing over even the silliest of things.
- Treating yo’self.
- Walking on sunshine.
- Doing absolutely nothing.
- Meeting people, hearing their stories, sharing a moment and leaving a positive mark on their lives.
Hope you got something out of it, like a simple pleasure you might not have noticed before, or just a peek into my life.