Posted in History & Literature

Judgement Of Paris

This is the story of how one man’s choice lead to a great war.

One day, Zeus held a banquet to celebrate a marriage, but did not invite Eris, the goddess of discord, for obvious reasons. Infuriated, she came up with a cunning plan, in which she arrived at the banquet, tossed a golden apple at the crowd, and disappeared.
On the apple, it was inscribed: For the fairest one.

Three goddesses approached the apple, claiming that it belonged to them: Hera, Athena and Aphrodite. They demanded that Zeus be the judge of who was the fairest, but Zeus knowing it was a catch-22 delegated the task to a mortal: Paris of Troy. This shepherd-prince was approached by each goddess, who offered a bribe using their godly powers.
Hera, the queen of gods, offered to make him the king of Eurasia, symbolising power and wealth.
Athena, the goddess of wisdom and war, offered great strength and wisdom.
Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty, offered the most beautiful woman in the world: Helen of Sparta.

After some thought, Paris presented the apple to Aphrodite, giving her the title of the “fairest one”. This earned him not only the beautiful Helen – who became infatuated with him under Aphrodite’s powers and brought to Troy – but also the scorn of the other two goddesses. Using their influences, and the fact that Helen was the wife of Menelaus – king of Sparta – the Trojan War sparked as Sparta formed a Greek alliance force to attack Troy, to reclaim their queen and seek vengeance and blood.

This goes to show how a man’s life, or his nation in the case of Paris, can be destroyed by the basic instinct of lust.

Posted in Psychology & Medicine

Alice In Wonderland Syndrome

There is a disease called Alice in Wonderland Syndrome. This causes patients to suffer massive migraines, while suffering visual hallucinations that alter their perception of what they see.
For example, they see objects as bigger or smaller than what they actually are, or even see them as upside-down. Because of this, people who have experienced this syndrome say that it was like living in a fairy tale. There is no known cure, but it is often temporary and will one day disappear like magic.

When you fall in love, the other person’s weaknesses seem smaller, their strengths seem bigger, and sometimes they turn your world upside-down. So is love like living in a fairy tale, or like suffering a disease?.


Posted in Psychology & Medicine

Love And Heartbeats

A thumping heart is often quoted as the first sign of love – a way of your body telling you that the girl or boy in front of you is what you desire.
But does love come first or does your heartbeat come first?

Although most people believe that their heart is beating faster because they’re in love, science proves that it is in fact the opposite.
An experiment was designed where male subjects were asked to answer a questionnaire given out by an attractive woman. One group had to cross a very long suspension bridge first, the control group had to cross the same distance on flat, solid ground. It was found that men from the first group were more likely to complete the questionnaire, give answers that were more romantic and sexual, and even call the survey girl afterwards.

Similarly, a group of men were shown four women while being connected to headphones that played back their own heart sounds. They were then asked to rate which girl was the most attractive.
After the experiment, it was found that the third girl received a landslide win, despite the different tastes of each man in the group. When asked, the subjects all replied that they heard their heart speeding up, thus believed that they found her the most attractive.
The twist was, when the third girl was shown, the audio was changed from the subject’s heartbeat to a pre-recorded heartbeat that beat faster than normal. Therefore, the men were fooled into thinking that the girl was more attractive by “increasing” their heart rate. This phenomenon was found in women also.

The answer to the question is that dopamine and serotonin, neurotransmitters secreted when a person is in love, also has the effect of increasing one’s heart rate. The brain therefore can misinterpret an increased heart rate as the effect of love through false association.
This effect is quite well known in dating tips as people are encouraged to go to places that invoke fear or excitement, such as an amusement park, horror movie, or high place to gain the best response from the opposite sex.
Ergo, science does play a role in love and just like anything else, it can be easily manipulated.

Posted in Science & Nature


Kissing is an act of love seen in cultures across the globe, with its history spanning many thousands of years. There are many theories as to how this act – representing love, affection, friendship and even respect – came about. The two most popular theories are the ideas that early humans in the Stone Age licked each other’s faces to obtain salt from sweat, or that it originated from ancient Romans. Roman soldiers kissed their wives as soon as they returned from war, to check whether there was the smell of alcohol (which was banned for women) or another man.
Using historical evidence from ancient texts from India and old paintings from China, it can be deduced that even in Asia the history of kissing is over 2000~4000 years old.

The human lip contains many nerve endings, making it one of the most sensitive part of skin on the body. Also, kissing stimulates the secretion of dopamine and oxytocin, chemicals responsible for invoking the feeling of love and happiness, causing an electric sensation (research states that the brain interprets it in a similar way to using cocaine).
It has already been proven that kissing lowers perceived stress and frequent kissing between couples lowers cholesterol and strengthens the cardiovascular system. Furthermore, it has been discovered that over 295 colonies of bacteria can be transferred per kiss (95% of which are harmless, but diseases such as glandular fever or herpes can be transmitted this way).
Some believe that the act of kissing came about to simulate the feeling of breastfeeding, an act ingrained in the subconscious mind (the same point is made regarding cigarette use).

This romantic behaviour is also seen in nature. Many bird and mammal mothers transfer pre-masticated food to their young this way, and calves kiss each other after drinking milk to prolong the sensation of breastfeeding. Even insects are found to “kiss”, such as ants that bring up food from their second stomach, the “social stomach”, to feed fellow ants that need food.

Posted in Psychology & Medicine

Symptoms of Love

When in love:

The heart thumps loudly and rapidly,
The mind becomes disoriented and chaotic,
The pupils dilate and the eyes become round,
The jaws lose strength and the mouth opens wide,
The face, especially the top of the ears and cheeks, flushes,
Oxytocin and dopamine release a flood of pleasure,
The body leans towards the other and copies their motions,
Non-verbal communication takes over and the two talk passionately.


Posted in Philosophy

The Number System

The number system represents the advancement of life and consciousness.

In a number, the curves represent love, the crossroads represent hardship and the horizontal lines represent binding.
Let’s take a look at each number.

“1” is a mineral. It has one vertical line and has no binds.
There are no curves and ergo no love.
Rocks are not bound to anything nor love anything.
There are no crossroads and ergo no hardship.
Minerals merely exist as the first step of matter.

“2” is a plant. Life begins here.
The bottom line shows that plants are bound to the ground.
Plants are rooted to the ground and cannot move.
The curve on the top represents the plant’s love for the sky and sunlight.
Plants love the sky and is restrained by the earth.

“3” is an animal. It is formed from two curves.
Animals love both the earth and the sky.
But it is not bound to either.
Animals only have pure feelings.
Animals live in fear and greed.
The two curves are two mouths.
If one is a mouth that bites, the other is one that kisses.

“4” is a human. Humans are beings on the crossroad between “3” and “4”.
They can advance to a higher step.

“5” is an enlightened person. This number is a mirror image of “2”.
The top line shows the limit by the sky, the bottom line shows the love for the earth.
He distances himself from other humans but love both people and the Earth.

“6” is an angel. It is a spiral, curve of love rising towards the sky.
An angel is a pure soul and mind.

“7” is a god cadet. “7” is another number with a crossroad.
It is the image of a “4” flipped around.
A god cadet is on the crossroad between an angel and what is next.

“8” is an infinite god. An endless, twisting curve of love.
But this curve spins on the spot and does not rise nor fall.

“9” is a curve. It is a “6”, an angel, turned around.
In other words, it is love coming down instead of going up.
From the sky down to the ground.
It is a curve that spins and spins and congeals mayonnaise.

(from God by Bernard Werber)