Posted in Life & Happiness

On Tiredness

“I’m tired because I didn’t get enough sleep last night.”
“I’m tired even though I’ve slept enough last night.”

“I’m tired because I have too much work to do.”
“I’m tired because I’m finishing up work.”

“I’m tired because I haven’t had coffee yet.”
“I’m tired even though I’ve drank coffee.”

“I’m tired because it’s Monday.”
“I’m tired because it’s Tuesday.”
“I’m tired because it’s Wednesday.”
“I’m tired because it’s Thursday.”
“I’m tired because it’s Friday.”

You aren’t tired when you are at a concert.
You aren’t tired when you’re fully immersed in a movie.
You aren’t tired when you’re on a date with someone you love.
You aren’t tired when you are doing something that you enjoy.

If you feel tired every day, then that is a sign you are doing something that you hate.
Instead of making another cup of coffee, try finding something that you love doing.

Your tiredness will simply melt away.

(Image source: Puuung

(from 1cm+ by Eun Joo Kim)

Posted in Psychology & Medicine

Dark Circles

One of the most tell-tale signs that someone is extremely tired or sleep deprived is having dark circles around the eyes. The skin beneath the eyelids are very thin – almost a quarter of the thickness of skin elsewhere on the body.

During times of exhaustion, the skin becomes paler due to a number of factors. The paleness makes it easier to see the blood vessels running under the skin, which shows as a greyish-blue tint. The more vessels that can be seen and the paler the skin, the darker the circle appears.

Dark circles appear to be an inherited trait, most likely related to the thickness and transparency of your skin. It is also more common in people with hay fever, anaemia and liver problems. The only real treatment for dark circles is rest.

Posted in Simple Pleasures of Life

Simple Pleasures of Life #4

Hugging someone, or a pet, or a pillow. Maybe even falling asleep like that.

I was so tired after hospital yesterday that as soon as I got home I collapsed in bed and just hugged my pillow. It was so damn fluffy and soft and comfortable. Totally fell asleep for 15 min after that… Anyway, hugging releases oxytocin and endorphins and a whole shitload of feel-good hormones, so you should go hug someone. Right now.