Posted in Psychology & Medicine

Egg Of Columbus

After returning to Spain after his discovery of the New World, Christopher Columbus was dining with some nobles. One noble approached him and said:

“Even if you had not discovered the West Indies, another fine Spaniard would have gone to discover it anyway.”

Columbus did not respond and merely smiled. He then asked for an egg, which he placed on the table and asked:

“I bet that no one can make this egg stand by itself.”

All the nobles tried but were unsuccessful and the egg would continue to fall down. Columbus stepped forward and grabbed the egg, which he tapped on the table so that one end would be cracked and flattened. The egg would now stand on its flattened base.
Although the nobles initially complained that they knew that was the solution, the message was loud and clear: once the feat is done, everyone knows how to do it.

This is known in psychology as the historian’s fallacy – a logical fallacy that can be summarised in the words: “I told you so”. Essentially, people assume that people had the same information in the past or that they would not have made the same mistake if they were placed in such a situation. It is another example of cognitive dissonance where the brain finds conflict between a problem and information that could have prevented said problem (which the other person did not have at the time). Therefore, the brain immediately convinces itself that it would have made the right decision as it already knows the answer. This means that we are almost incapable of putting ourselves in other people’s shoes. We label those people as idiots, because they apparently had the same information (they did not) and still could not make the right decision.

People never realise that given the foreknowledge we have now, the Americans would have known about Japan’s plan for attacking Pearl Harbour or that Germany would not have invaded Russia. Although they say “those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it”, we have a tendency to think that people in the past were stupid and we would never make the same mistakes.

Hindsight is 20/20.

Posted in Science & Nature


The word “Spain” often brings upon an image of a handsome matador taunting a fierce bull with his red cape. Because of this, it is commonly thought that the colour red aggravates bulls, and this is often used in cartoons.

However, as bulls are colour blind, they cannot tell a red cape apart from a blue cape. They are actually responding to the movement of the cape and being provoked by the matador. Furthermore, the bulls used in bullfights tend to be a more aggressive breed. This type of charging behaviour is common in large herbivores such as hippos, rhinos and elephants, as it is very useful in nature when faced with a predator.

Also, the real reason the cape is red is not only because it symbolises passion and power, but because it also hides the blood from the bull during the fight.