Posted in History & Literature

Thirty-Six Stratagems: Chapter 3 – Attacking Stratagems

(For all 36 stratagems, click here:

Attacking Stratagems are tactics that can utilised during a battle with the enemy.

Stratagem 13: Stomp the grass to scare the snake
Kill the startled snake as it leaps out of the grass. By taunting or provoking the enemy, you can lead them to give away their locations and create chaos.

Stratagem 14: Borrow a corpse to resurrect the soul
Bring back something from the past that is believed to have no value and alter it so they have value.

Stratagem 15: Entice the tiger to leave its mountain lair
If you lure the enemy out of their heavily guarded camp and then attack, your chances of victory increase.

Stratagem 16: In order to capture, one must let loose
When capturing an enemy, do not corner them completely but open a small exit for them. A cornered enemy with no escape can attack with even more ferocity. Thus, if you allow them to escape and chase them until they run out of energy and the will to fight, you can capture the enemy with little sacrifice. Furthermore, if you set an ambush or trap for the enemy, you can easily decimate them.

Stratagem 17: Tossing out a brick to get a jade gem
This means to toss out something useless to gain something valuable. It is a tactic that utilises baiting the enemy. The point of the tactic is to throw out bait that does not seem like bait. On the other hand, it is important to have a keen sense of judgement to ensure you do not take the enemy’s bait. The ability to look past the immediate gain and see the long-term cost is a valuable skill.

Stratagem 18: Defeat the enemy by capturing their chief
This is a principle that states that if you kill the enemy’s leader or their key units, the rest will fall apart naturally. A group without a leader will run around like headless chickens until they are destroyed.

Posted in History & Literature

Thirty-Six Stratagems: Chapter 1 – Winning Stratagems

(For all 36 stratagems, click here:

The Thirty-Six Stratagems is a book from ancient China that outlines 36 stratagems (a ruse to change the flow of battle or aide a victory). The author and the time of writing are unclear, but it incorporates much wisdom from The Art of War and Romance of the Three Kingdoms. Regardless of who wrote it, the Thirty-Six Stratagems is a must-read text as it outlines tactics that are very useful in war (especially the harsh battlefield of life) in a way that is easy for anyone to understand and learn. The thirty-six stratagems are divided into six categories: Winning Stratagems, Enemy Dealing Stratagems, Attacking Stratagems, Chaos Stratagems, Proximate Stratagems and Desperate Stratagems. Let’s learn them chapter by chapter.

Winning Stratagems are tactics that you can employ when you have all the conditions for a victory. They are tactics that utilise meticulous planning and deception to confuse the enemy and make victory certain.

Stratagem 1: Deceive the heavens to cross the ocean
People are not suspicious of things they have seen repeatedly. This is a perfect opportunity to seize. Give the enemy false reassurance through repeating a common act and strike when they are off guard.

Stratagem 2: Besiege Wei to rescue Zhao
Instead of facing the enemy head on, detour around them to strike their main base. It is a tactic where you capture something the enemy holds dear and using it to control the enemy as you wish.

Stratagem 3: Kill with a borrowed knife
Hide yourself while using a third party to bring harm to the enemy.

Stratagem 4: Leisurely await for the laboured
If you camp and rest at a strategic spot and strike the enemy after they have tired from a long march, you can raise the chance of winning. Also, laying siege to the enemy when they are short of food and tiring them out is another way to bring victory.

Stratagem 5: Loot a burning house
This means that you should strike when the enemy is in chaos when their base is on fire. In other words, take the opportunity when the enemy is in a tough spot and attack.

Stratagem 6: Make a sound in the east, then strike in the west
Distract the enemy’s attention to a different place and attack from a completely unpredicted location so that the enemy is unprepared.