Posted in Psychology & Medicine

Werther Effect

Suicide is the third leading cause of death among young people in the developed world. Every year, approximately one million people take their own lives – far greater than the number of people dying from liver disease, Parkinson’s or even homicide. Despite being one of the most preventable causes of death, suicide still plagues society.
Among the many factors contributing to suicide attempts (mental disorder being the major one), one of the more interesting one is mass media. The effect of mass media on suicide rates can be traced back as far as 1774.

In 1774, Goethe wrote a novel called The Sorrows of Young Werther, where the hero shoots himself after an ill-fated love affair. Shortly after publication, there were many reports of young men who used the same method as Werther to commit suicide. There were even reports of people dressing up like Werther (yellow pants and blue jacket) or leaving the book open to the passage detailing his death next to themselves. After this event, the book was temporarily banned to stop the “epidemic”. Since then, the phenomenon of copycat suicides has been called the Werther effect.

The human brain is trained to think about the information it receives. This applies to suicide as well and people with mental disorders such as depression and bipolar disorder are more prone to suicidal thoughts after hearing stories about it. This effect is amplified by the media tending to glorify or beautify such deaths (as the subject tends to be a celebrity or a fictional character), causing some people to subconsciously believe that suicide is acceptable. In essence, the Werther effect is a form of peer pressure where cognitive dissonance lead people to act irrationally because others in society appear to be doing the same thing.

The Werther effect is surprisingly effective in predicting an increase in suicide attempts after the publication of news regarding suicide. On April 8, 1986, a Japanese singer called Yukko Okada, only 18 at the time, committed suicide by jumping off the seventh floor of her recording studio. Her popularity meant the media were over the story like hungry wolves, reporting the tragic death in every form possible. Within two weeks, 33 young people (including one nine-year old) killed themselves – 21 by jumping from buildings. This episode was dubbed Yukko Syndrome and is one of the most famous cases of the Werther effect in modern society.

Just like in the original case of the Werther effect, the suicide could be fictional and still cause an increase in suicide rates. There was a German television show called Death of a Student that depicted a railway suicide of a young man at the start of every episode. After it began airing, railway suicides by teenage males increased by 175% in Germany. Curiously, there was no increase or decrease in suicide rates via other methods, suggesting that the Werther effect not only affects the choice of method, but also induces suicidal thoughts in those who did not plan on killing themselves.

In 1987, a campaign in Vienna to inform reporters about the Werther effect and the role of the media in suicides led to a dramatic drop in reporting suicides. This was followed by an 80% drop in subway suicide and non-fatal attempts, along with a decrease in the total number of suicides.

The Werther effect is a fine example of how words can kill.

Posted in Psychology & Medicine

ICU Syndrome

ICU stands for intensive care unit and is the place where patients are sent after an operation to stabilise and recover under supervision. ICU patients commonly have a very unique and strange post-operative experience.

ICU syndrome is a type of delirium where the patient experiences severe anxiety, fear, hallucinations or delusions. Although the cause has not been determined, it is likely related to post-op stress, the segregation and loneliness in the ICU room and confusion from coming out of anaesthesia. This is especially the case if an emergency situation led to the surgery being longer than expected or resulted in additional surgery, causing extreme confusion in the patient.

A patient suffering from ICU syndrome tends to be extremely excited and unstable. They may develop intense paranoia or distrust (especially against medical professionals), which can lead to fits or dangerous acts such as pulling out cannulas and lines. A friend or loved one talking calmly to the patient has a great effect in helping the patient overcome the delirium. Therefore, allowing the family to visit to keep the patient company and calm is an effective way to prevent ICU syndrome. However, if the situation spirals out of control, a sedative or anti-psychotic may need to be administered.

A study states that about 25% of patients admitted to the ICU suffer from ICU syndrome. It is one of the most common causes of delirium and any patient can get it (elderly patients are more likely to). Interestingly, there is a theory that medical professionals are more likely to suffer ICU syndrome after an operation.
Nowadays, the term ICU syndrome or ICU psychosis is discouraged and is instead grouped under delirium (which is an actual psychiatric disorder, not just a general term).

Posted in Psychology & Medicine


There is a protozoan parasite called Toxoplasma gondii. This parasite infects many animals through an interesting route. 
The first victim is a mouse. An infected mouse loses its fear of cats, leading it to play fearlessly in front of one until it gets caught and eaten (was Jerry a mouse with toxoplasmosis?). It is unclear how it controls a more advanced animal’s brain, but thanks to this effect, Toxoplasma gondii can infect its intermediate host – a cat.
An infected cat starts excreting parasite eggs with its faeces. If a person forgets to wash their hands or eats food contaminated with cat faeces, they can be infected and become the final host for the parasite.

Usually, Toxoplasma gondii cannot overcome the healthy immune system, but it can infect those with a weaker immune system such as the elderly or pregnant women. Furthermore, it is part of the TORCH complex (toxoplasmosis, rubella, cytomegalovirus, herpes) – a group of infections that commonly cross over from the mother to the fetus in utero. Symptoms are normally flu-like, but if more severe it can cause dysfunction of the eyes, brain and other vital organs. Sometimes it lies dormant until the person’s immune system is weakened, whence it becomes active. Toxoplasmosis is also a possible cause of a miscarriage or infertility.

One fascinating symptom of toxoplasmosis is psychiatric disorders. Because Toxoplasma gondii can infiltrate the brain, it is known to cause depression or even schizophrenia. As cats are the most common intermediate host, cat owners are more susceptible to toxoplasmosis. Because of this, there is a theory that “crazy old cat ladies” are in fact toxoplasmosis patients.

Posted in Psychology & Medicine


It is human nature to want to know more about another person. However, ironically most people know less about themselves than they know others. The following is a simple psychological test that tells you about your true self.

Complete as many sentences as freely as you can, writing down whatever comes to your head. You have 5 minutes: (e.g. I am a male, I attend university)

  1. I _____________________
  2. I _____________________
  3. I _____________________
  4. I _____________________
  5. I _____________________
  6. I _____________________
  7. I _____________________
  8. I _____________________
  9. I _____________________
  10. I _____________________
  11. I _____________________
  12. I _____________________
  13. I _____________________
  14. I _____________________
  15. I _____________________
  16. I _____________________
  17. I _____________________
  18. I _____________________
  19. I _____________________
  20. I _____________________

This test is very useful as it is simple yet accurately portrays the subconscious mind and inner self. It is especially used in adult psychiatry consultations as answers become more subjective and creative as the subject’s age increases.
According to a study, from about number 10 the answers show the person’s wants and potential, and from 15 onwards subconscious desires and concerns. Ergo, answers become more accurate in their depiction of the true self as you fill in the lines.

The responses are sorted into six main categories:

  1. Social status (I am an employee of…)
  2. Faith (I am sure that justice will always win in the end)
  3. Desire (I want to be rich)
  4. Likes (I like watermelons)
  5. Judgement (I am stubborn)
  6. Blank (nothing written)

Interestingly, nothing shows more than you expect. For example, those who do not finish all twenty lines tend to be authoritative. This is because they show a tendency of seeing the world as black or white, or good or evil and cannot stand fuzzy, “grey” statements. Therefore, their view of their self tend to be simplistic, making their answers less detailed.

Now, let us explore the world of the inner self and the subconscious mind. For a more objective analysis of yourself, ask someone else to scrutinise your answers.