Posted in Simple Pleasures of Life

Simple Pleasures of Life #3

Seeing a mother hold her newborn baby for the first time

Okay so this one isn’t really “simple” to come across, but when you do, it’s one of the most touching moments you’ll see. There’s something in the mum’s (and dad’s) smile that cannot be described by words. Definitely one of the (few) perks of OBGYN run. Man I can’t wait to have kids some day (I’ll regret saying this in the future).

Posted in Simple Pleasures of Life

Simple Pleasures of Life #8

Good Scotch and a good movie.

Finally finished weekend shifts. My god, two 8am~8:30pm back to back is inhumane >< But wait, there’s more!!! I have 7am~7pm delivery unit shift tomorrow, then 7:30am ward round on Tuesday where we get ripped to shreds. Fuck yes. On top of the piling notes that I’m failing to study due to crazy amounts of O&G. The only thing that makes it all better? Good Scotch and a good movie.

Just finished watching Now You See Me and I definitely loved it! 😀 I’ve always been a fan of magic and this movie explored the field relatively creatively. I particularly liked the magician fight scene hehe. And tbh I didn’t fully work out the twist so that was a pleasant surprise. Welp, time for me to get 5.5 hours of sleep before I have to go in to sit around and do nothing. Thank god for the simple pleasures of life that keep me going.

Posted in Simple Pleasures of Life

Simple Pleasures of Life #18

Surviving a tough rotation and getting good feedback at the end.

I survived obstetrics & gynaecology!!! The team I was on is infamous because the consultant is well-known for…yelling at students if they do something wrong. Won’t go into detail but we (two other students and I) must’ve been the first group to go the six weeks without being yelled at. Even got very positive feedback today for last day assessment! She wrote on the form “encouraged to consider O&G” (I’d never). Still it’s been rather stressful because of the sheer pressure and time spent in hospital. And I have an OSCE (clinical exam) tomorrow morning, yippee.

The end is in siiiiiight. Just OSCE, short cases and two exams until freedom! May Robert Downey Jr. watch over me.
