Posted in Simple Pleasures of Life

Simple Pleasures of Life #18

Surviving a tough rotation and getting good feedback at the end.

I survived obstetrics & gynaecology!!! The team I was on is infamous because the consultant is well-known for…yelling at students if they do something wrong. Won’t go into detail but we (two other students and I) must’ve been the first group to go the six weeks without being yelled at. Even got very positive feedback today for last day assessment! She wrote on the form “encouraged to consider O&G” (I’d never). Still it’s been rather stressful because of the sheer pressure and time spent in hospital. And I have an OSCE (clinical exam) tomorrow morning, yippee.

The end is in siiiiiight. Just OSCE, short cases and two exams until freedom! May Robert Downey Jr. watch over me.
