Posted in Science & Nature

Typical Person

What is the typical look of a human being? The following is a character bio using data of the most common traits and average statistics from the world population.

The typical model of Earth is a 28 year old Han Chinese male called Mohammed Lee. His height is 1.75m, weight 80kg, he has black hair and brown eyes and he is right-handed. He speaks Mandarin Chinese and his religion is Christianity. He works in a factory earning less than USD$12,000. He owns a cellphone but not a bank account. The following is the most typical face constructed using a composite of 190,000 faces of people fitting the above description.

Posted in History & Literature

The Courteous Country Of The East

The Chinese have always deemed Korea as the country of courteous and well-mannered people (동방예의지국, 東邦禮義之國). An ancient Chinese historical text called Shanhaijing(山海經) states that the people of China referred Korea as The Courteous Country Of The Rising Sun In The East or The Country Of Gentlemen. Confucius once said that it was his dream to even take a raft to Korea to learn more about etiquette. They always held Korean people in high regard, complimenting to no end with descriptions such as “righteous people (仁人)” and “they like to decline politely and do not fight”, or “as they do not steal from each other they do not keep doors locked, and the women are virtuous and trustworthy and not lewd”. In short, Korea was respected as a civilised, advanced culture throughout the ages.

Posted in History & Literature

Thirty-Six Stratagems: Chapter 4 – Chaos Stratagems

(For all 36 stratagems, click here:

Chaos Stratagems are strategies that can be used to achieve victory when a war enters a chaotic state. Unlike the previous three chapters, the latter three chapters include tactics that can be used when the flow of war is against you.

Stratagem 19: Remove the firewood from under the pot 
This tactic teaches that one should attack the foundation of the enemy’s confidence to shake them. Also, there is a second meaning that teaches to cut off their supplies. No matter how strong the enemy is, they will be crushed easily without any food.

Stratagem 20: Disturb the water and catch a fish
If you disorder the enemy so that they have no idea what is happening, you can easily attain victory.

Stratagem 21: Slough off the cicada’s golden shell
Make a change yet make it look like to the enemy that you have not. It is a strategy where you keep up a strong defence on the surface and exhibit a state of readiness to intimidate the enemy, while moving your forces to a different location.

Stratagem 22: Shut the door to catch the thief
If you block the enemy’s movement and surround them, you can easily decimate them. However, if they are strong enough this plan may have the opposite effect and cause them to retaliate with more ferocity, thus you should only employ it when the enemy is weak.

Stratagem 23: Befriend a distant state while attacking a neighbour
Countries that are close to you are bound to have many troubles and friction with you, therefore it is far wiser to use an ally who is further away to deal with your enemy.

Stratagem 24: Borrow a passage to strike Guo
This means that you should expand your territory when the opportunity is right by manipulating the weak. If you use the resources of a weak ally to strike the enemy, you can reduce the costs to your army while destroying the enemy, essentially killing two birds with one stone.

Posted in History & Literature


Ancient Chinese military strategist Sun Tzu dealt with the topic of spies extensively in his book The Art of War. He believed that information and intelligence determined the flow of war and spies were a vital element. Sun Tzu talked about five types of spies.

  • Local spies (鄕間): Use the enemy’s people
  • Internal spies (內間): Use the enemy’s officials (like a resident spy)
  • Double spies (反間): Use the enemy’s spies to feed the wrong information
  • Dead spies (死間): Has a possibility of betraying, so use them to spread misinformation, leading the enemy to persecute them
  • Living spies (生間): Use agents that can gather intelligence and return safely back to report their findings, the most useful type of spies

Posted in Philosophy

Butterfly Dream

Zhuangzi was a philosopher whose writings are still famous for their deep and influential thoughts. The following is one of the most famous stories he tells, questioning the concept of reality and mind:

One day I dreamt that I was a butterfly, flying freely and doing what I pleased, without knowing that I was Zhuangzi.
But when I woke up, I was Zhuangzi without a doubt.
So did Zhuangzi dream of being a butterfly, or am I a butterfly dreaming of being Zhuangzi?